february '03 comments |
Hey DJ, is that anything like the state of unconscienceness?
- Friday, February 28, 2003 at 14:07:04 (EST)
DJ - Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 21:36:54 (EST)
I like that last line and I hope players will remember it. If you want to get someone else to do something, role-play the discussion. If you do not achieve the desired results and think you should have, then, and only then, bid a trait and make a challenge. With that I publically accept the position of Werewolf Storyteller. If anyone has any questions for me please feel free to use my e-mail. All character creation rules put in place by Skippy and Cho-Cho are still in effect. Hope to see you Saturday.
Steven Politowski
- Saturday, February 22, 2003 at 02:14:00 (EST)
Another comment from the MET Forum that I think is intuitive to many LARPers. To others its a kick in the teeth that needed to be delivered long ago. Sorry for its length.
- Create a character with the intent of being a part of a whole. Think of your character as a cog in the wheel that is the city in which it lives. In a Sabbat game, a Lasombra is a cog. A Tzimisce is a cog. A Kiasyd is a monkey wrench.
- Understand that stereotypes exist for a reason. Ventrue do not embrace rabble rousers. Tremere do not embrace potential anarchs.
- Learn the rules. Once more, learn the rules. You should not need to look up the effects of Dread Gaze every time you use it.
- Memorize as much of your character sheet as possible. You shouldn’t have to stop play to pull out your character sheet every time someone throws a challenge your way. Memorize at least three attributes from each category.
- Before each session, read your entire character sheet. If you come across an aspect that you cannot immediately define in terms of system or how to role-play, look it up.
- If you want to get someone else to do something, role-play the discussion. If you do not achieve the desired results and think you should have, then, and only then, bid a trait and make a challenge.
Adam - Friday, February 21, 2003 at 15:52:35 (EST)
Please e-mail me. If the vote for interaction stands at full interaction I want us to have full support of one another.
- Friday, February 21, 2003 at 14:12:34 (EST)
I think life should be more like tv. I think all of life's problems ought to be solved in 30 minutes with simple homilies, don't you? I think weight and oral hygiene ought to be our biggest concerns. I think we should all have powerful, high-paying jobs, and everyone should drive fancy sports cars. All our desires should be instantly gratified. Women should always wear tight clothes, and men should carry powerful handguns. Life overall should be more glamorous, thrill-packed, and filled with applause, don't you think? -Calvin
Calvin_ Hobbes_ <>
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 09:23:21 (EST)
Congrates Cho Cho. And Congrates Steve. See you both this saturday.
Seth Garner
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 08:21:36 (EST)
Stepping down as Fortress Werewolf ST that is, and Taking the CAM LARP Werewolf position.
Mark Chojnowski
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 06:18:27 (EST)
Hello all, as of last week I was asked to head up the Werewolf ST Spot for the Lansing Chapter and Flint. I am going to be pursueing this and stepping down as Werewolf ST, Steve Politowski is taking my spot and continuing the current plot. The Werewolf game will go on, I have talked to Steve and he is the perfect person for the job. This weekend will be my final week as Werewolf ST. I hope to see you all Saturday and int he future perhaps larping at the CAM =] peace!
Mark "Cho Cho" Chojnowski
- Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 06:17:02 (EST)
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Joel F. - Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 04:06:16 (EST)
Rob - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 09:48:36 (EST)
Take a Flying leap
To Brenda - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 20:12:31 (EST)
Happy Valentine's day to all. For those of you with sweethearts, significant others, or both, I hope this is a special day for you. For those of you without a partner let us take time and remember the one person who truly knew how to celebrate Valentine's day...Al Capone. Now we must all celebrate Valentine's day in the best way we know how. As for me I'll be making a visit to my nearest video rental establishment, renting every Al Capone movie they have, and making a marathon of it. Again Happy Valentine's day.
- Friday, February 14, 2003 at 13:51:28 (EST)
Its bad enough that I keep getting spammed to death by these credit card debt offers. It seems like everywhere I turn I see ads for repair credit this and that. Now these companies are posting messages on your guest book to advertise their credit counseling services? Give me a break! Maybe some of us don’t mind having bad credit and just want to use the Internet in peace. Post your junk elsewhere.
Brenda - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 03:58:27 (EST)
... Not looking for dumbass imbedded links from a half-brained twit ...
... - Friday, February 14, 2003 at 02:56:01 (EST)
Looking for debt consolidation? E-mail me about a credit card debt consolidation program that will save you hundreds of dollars!
Debt Consolidation Service - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 07:25:06 (EST)
... - Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 00:22:49 (EST)
The following was taken from the White Wolf MET Forum:
"The original malkavians are Malkav's childer from before he went insane. They walk around trying to defeat the false childer of insanity while being all cool and distanced. There are only a handful of them, and they have no clan hiearchy, thus they are in constant communication with each other and are perfectly ok as a PC. Their clan flaw is they arn't a wussy.
Instead of Dementation, they have a new (actualy the original discipline that Dementation is based on) calld Duckmentaion. At low levels it allows control over ducks, as well as creating ducks, tranforming into ducks, and at the advanced level, summoning the ultraduckofdoom. The ultra duckofdoom wins on all ties, can not be overbid, can use the bomb, and does 20 agg."
I think we could substitute Duckmentation for Squirrelmentation, eh Blodgett?
Adam - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 10:14:03 (EST)
In memory of those who died
We weep and walk away.
Tears run into swollen streams.
No trace of us remains.
Even those who grieve are gone,
And those that grieve who grieve,
And those whose lives are ravaged by
A frantic urge to be,
And those who wander silently
Among the empty rooms:
Immortality is theirs,
Though they must vanish, too.
We bear astonished witness to
The passage of the soul.
No bridge exists that can connect
Our passion to the whole
Mage ST - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 10:22:48 (EST)
Deacon Aaron McKenzie
Cult of Ectasy
Died Feb 1st, 2003.
Never one to fight - he died for his friends. He will be remembered and will carry on in the memories of all who knew him.
Mage ST - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 10:20:18 (EST)
RIP Chris "Tex" Austin Died Feb. 1st, 2003 His music like the wind has now passed through the city of East Lansing. Somewhere in the great beyond Tex is giving the bird to us all.
Mage ST - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 10:11:29 (EST)
My Exciting Life
Mental note.
Here we are, outside the Water Works again. When we first came here, weeks ago, it was dark and foreboding enough, a postmodern industrial site with little contact or care for the human world. I could imagine the water issuing through the system and into taps city wide. You never think about that when you drink a glass of water out of the tap, where it comes from. Now, I’ll never be able to stop at a drinking fountain again, having witnessed the belly of the beast. We take so much for granted, and never question how we get what we have. Which I suppose makes it easier for people to do things like declare war from the comfort of a chair in an office thousands of miles away. You don’t see many instances of it being declared in the field by people who have to see the bodies of the victims on both sides of the imaginary line.
Now, the building is something different. I don’t see it with my eyes this time, but rather with every other sense available to me, which brings the squalor into much sharper focus. What used to be a solid concrete and steel building is now a maze of broken pipes, twisted beams, shattered glass, and fractured cement. I consider the appropriateness of this. The Nephandi, in a lot of ways, seem to try to look like normal, everyday folks…until they’re forced to reveal their inner ugliness.
I consider the events that brought us here as I hone in on the nuances of the world around me in this new sensory style. At times, it seems to give me too much information, and I need to keep myself slightly distracted in order to cope with it, if that makes any sense. Ian told me about his new private investigating business back at the house, and I asked to come along to help on his investigation. Knowing his primary skills are blowing stuff up, I thought a more sensitive assistant might help him out. So, we went to the bar and he talked to his police contact while I made the rounds. I didn’t want to tell him this straight out, but I knew the police wouldn’t be able to drop any leads. This matter was way over their heads. At the school, I concentrated on past events which allowed us, eventually, to track them here. Two days ago. There’s no doubt that kid is dead by now. All because we didn’t finish what we started. I knew then that we should have hit the tunnel, as much as I didn’t want to. I called Voss in order to get the posse here, and they came. Now, we steel ourselves for the journey through the sewers to destiny. I finish making the mental adjustments in sensory input and turn towards my fate…
To be continued?
tribute to a friend who has passed on - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 10:08:05 (EST)
Doesn't anyone else see this as a joke? Must be me. Lighten up, people.
Jeremy - Monday, February 10, 2003 at 00:27:36 (EST)
... and I apparently can't type. Should read: "he/she might have good intentions."
Adam - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 16:50:17 (EST)
Just because Court Jester is an anonymous posting chicken-shit, doesn't mean he/she has good intentions. If there's a problem, it needs to be discussed between the parties involved, Amy, and Mark.
I may not be involved in the game anymore, but I'd like to see it continue with as little drama and malcontent as possible.
Adam - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 16:48:29 (EST)
Court Jester, This board isn't for Drama and personal attacks, this is for in game info and positive action. Skippy could you erase his posts?
...... - Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 13:39:30 (EST)
Ah, but there are many people who do care who read the board. So there.
Court Jester - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 17:18:48 (EST)
Court Jester, why are you trying to start things with Cho Cho? All your message is an attack. If you do not have in game information to exchange or positive feelings; email your drama to someone who cares. Thanks
.......... - Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 16:19:00 (EST)
Does anyone else see a problem when a Werewolf storyteller runs a scene with a Mage while ignoring the Garou PC's? Just wondering. Bye-ee.
Court Jester - Wednesday, February 05, 2003 at 13:30:51 (EST)
Whoops! The first part of that post is supposed to say: This is probably going to make my head pop and I’ll most likely regret it, but I am asking
Mike Solomon
- Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 20:53:23 (EST)
all Mage players to submit to me a paper on their paradigm. The reason for this is so I can know how your character works magically, if certain rotes or foci fit and if you can do such an effect at a certain time. Also, and more importantly than any rules lawerying or buggering, it truly helps to develop the character from a sheet with adjectives slapped about to a fictional person with dimensions and a complex unique belief system. I would like to include in this why your foci work with the corresponding spheres/rotes you posses and why, what you think your avatar is, what kind of higher power you think is running the whole show, or why you think there is no kind of divine being. And finally, just a summary of your belief structure devoid of rules and charts. Send these to me, there is no time limit and I cannot say you get extra experience for turning them in, but I can promise it will help things run more smoothly when dealing with rotes and magic. Also, send these directly to me, I don’t want Amy destroying my being with her sword of Storytelling +12 because her email was clogged up with these essays. :)
Mike Solomon
- Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 20:51:48 (EST)